Dog Grooming School of Pennsylvania


If your are interested in placing an ad on our student help wanted board, please complete the following form and use the payment link above.  Ads are $75 for 6 months.  Ads are 7 lines and contain only the below fields. We cannot add additional info.  The ads will be placed on our job board and all students present and past will have access.  The ad will be posted upon receiving payment and a screenshot will be sent to you via email.

The fastest way to staff your salon or mobile grooming business is to find your own candidate, send them to us to train and you will have a fully trained groomer in 4-weeks.  We've had many salons find groomers by advertising on and offering to pay their grooming school tuition.  Most salons have their candidates sign a contract saying they'll work for the salon for 2-years and the tuition is deducted from their first several paychecks.  This will help you find candidates in your commuting area.  We have helped staff many salons this way with multiple groomers.  You may also place an ad below for our graduates to view.